HTML text formatting and decoration allow you to add unique elements and special meaning to the text that is displayed on a web page. It is a technique for making certain text elements stand out from the other texts on the page by incorporating designs or decorations into them. 

You can format text in HTML using a variety of elements to give it a different look. Let’s look at some of them.

HTML Elements for Formatting and Decoration

Some of the elements you can use to format text in HTML include:
<b> – Bold text: This element makes text characters bold.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>

<p>This text does not have any HTML formatting elements yet</p>

<!-- the words in the b tag is bolded automatically -->

<p><b>This text contains the bold formatting element </b></p>


<strong> – This element is used to show a user how important a text is.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>

<p>This text does not have any html formatting elements yet</p>

<!-- the words in the strong tag is displayed in a way that shows users concern and importance -->

<p>This text contains the <strong>strong formatting elements </strong></p>


<i> – This is used to make text appear in italic format

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>

<p>This text does not have any html formatting elements yet</p>

<p><i>This text contains the italic formatting element </i></p>


<em> – This is used to display an emphasized text

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>

<p>This text does not have any html formatting elements yet</p>

<!-- the em tag formats texts it displays on the browser to shows emphasis features-->
<p><em>This text contains emphasized formatting element </em></p>


<mark> – Marked text

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>

<p>This text does not have any html formatting elements yet</p>

<!-- the mark Tag helps to highlight the articles -->

<p><mark>This text the marked  formatting element </mark></p>


<small> – Smaller text

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>

<p>This text does not have any html formatting elements yet</p>

<!-- the small Tag helps to make words smaller -->
<p><small >This text contains the small formatting element </small></p>


<del> – Deleted text

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>

<p>This text does not have any html formatting elements yet</p>

<!-- the del tag eliminates list of words you don't want no more in tyour code-->
<p><del>This text contains the deleted text formatting element </del></p>


<ins> – Inserted text

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>

<p>This text does not have any html formatting elements yet</p>

<!-- the ins tag Tag helps to insert new words into your peoject -->

<p><ins>This text contains the  inserted formatting element </ins></p>


<sub> – Subscript text

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>

<p>This text does not have any html formatting elements yet</p>

<!-- the mark Tag helps to make the selected word a subscript -->
<p><sub>This text contains subscript formatting element </sub></p>


The Text-decoration Property 

Text-decoration is the property to apply underline, overline, line-through, underline overline values to the text to decorate it.

Let’s look at the types of text decoration in HTML.

text-decoration: none

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>

<!-- the code below shows how you can style the elements in the body -->

h1 {
.decor {
text-decoration: none;

<h1>This is an example for text-decoration:none </h1>

<!--text formatting and decoration allow you to add unique elements and special meaning to the text that is displayed on a web page-->

<p class="decor">
HTML text formatting and decoration allow you to add unique elements and special meaning to the text that is displayed on a web page. It is a technique for making certain text elements stand out from the other texts on the page by incorporating designs or decorations into them.


text-decoration: overline

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>

<!-- this example focus on the text decoration overline property -->

h1 {
.decor {
text-decoration: overline;


<h1>This is an example for text-decoration:overline </h1>
<p class="decor">
HTML text formatting and decoration allow you to add unique elements and special meaning to the text that is displayed on a web page. It is a technique for making certain text elements stand out from the other texts on the page by incorporating designs or decorations into them.

text-decoration: line-through

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>
<!-- the code example focuses on the line through text decoration feature -->

h1 {
.decor {
text-decoration:  line-through;


<h1>This is an example for text-decoration: line-through </h1>
<p class="decor">
HTML text formatting and decoration allow you to add unique elements and special meaning to the text that is displayed on a web page. It is a technique for making certain text elements stand out from the other texts on the page by incorporating designs or decorations into them.

text-decoration: underline

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>FanielTech HTML Tutorial</title>
<!-- the example focuses on the underline text decoration element -->

h1 {
.decor {
text-decoration:  underline;


<h1>This is an example for text-decoration: underline </h1>
<p class="decor">
HTML text formatting and decoration allow you to add unique elements and special meaning to the text that is displayed on a web page. It is a technique for making certain text elements stand out from the other texts on the page by incorporating designs or decorations into them.


In this article, you learned about HTML text formatting and decoration.

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