Express.js is developed in javascript, which makes TypeScript, a scripting language that understands JavaScript and employs type inference to offer extra capabilities without the need for additional code, an ideal choice. JavaScript is a simple language to learn, making it possible to do so even if you have no previous experience with computer programming. It paves the way for a great number of up-and-coming web developers to join the industry.

What exactly is Node.js?

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that is open-source and compatible with several platforms.

It is a web application that operates on its own outside of the client’s browser.

It allows the developers to create web apps that run on the server.

Because it employs an asynchronous and event-driven approach, Node.js is well suited for data-intensive application development.

Static typing and type checking are two of the coding approaches that are supported by Typescript.

It is intended to be used for the development of sophisticated and advanced software applications.

It would be preferable to use Typescript as the main language for providing support for Node.js features.

Express JS: What Is It?

Express is a node.js framework that enables developers to rapidly and simply create online applications that use APIs as well as cross-platform mobile applications.

Express JS does not have a point of view.

Express JS is a server-side scripting language that makes working with node.js simpler.

It is a layer that was constructed on top of Node.js, and it assists in the management of servers and routes.

What exactly is this typescript?

TypeScript is an object-oriented programming language. It is a highly typed superset of JavaScript, and all of the code written in Typescript conforms with the standards set by JavaScript.

Microsoft is responsible for both its creation and its ongoing maintenance.

The creation of Typescript was geared at developers so that they could design huge applications.

The code that is created in TypeScript is then transformed to JavaScript. This allows the code to be used in any environment that supports JavaScript, including web browsers, Node.js, and your very own applications.

Setting Up Development Environment

Let’s begin by putting up a configuration that will allow us to execute typescript node and express. We need to install visual studio code

Step 1: Download Visual Studio Code and follow the on-screen instructions to install it.

You must now download and install node.js.

Step 2: Navigate to the official node.js website and install the software.

Step 3: Once installation is complete, open Visual Studio Code and type in a command to see the version of node JS.

Step 4: Typing “node -v” in the terminal will display the version of your node, which will allow you to confirm that the node was successfully installed.

Now make a new Folder in your Documents.


Step 5: Once you have opened the terminal, you will need to type in “npm init -y.”

Step 6: The completion of this step will result in the production of a JSON file inside your folder.


Subsequently, we will set up typescript’s prerequisites for it. We will create a command in writing.


Step 8: At this point, we will proceed to install the npm package known as “ts – node,” which will make it easier for the user to immediately execute typescript files.

Step 9: we will also install nodemon, which is a program that allows us to automatically restart the node application if there is any kind of update.


Therefore, in order to do this, we will compose a command that reads “npm I ts-node nodemon.”

Step 10: After this, we will go on to next Step, which is the installation of Express JS. To do this, jot down the command “npm I express.”


Now we will create a JSON file for the ts configuration. To do this, we will draft a command.

 Step 11:”npx tsc – – D”


At this point, we will create a folder called src.

All of our code will be written and stored inside of that folder.

Step 12: Make a directory, then open the terminal and type in the command to make it. Open the folder you just made.

“Make directory” followed by “src” 

 “src” is the name of a folder

 Step 13: The last step is to create a file with the name app.ts within the src folder. This file is going to be the location where our code is going to be written so that it can be executed.



Our goal in writing this TypeScript and Express JS lesson was to help you become proficient in both languages. If you want to become a developer or programmer using one of these languages, taking a course that leads to certification is a good first step.

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